
Scripting is disabled and therefore annotations cannot be shown.
<!-- xhtml-primary11.dtd

     Extensible HyperText Markup Language Primary 1.1 Document Type Definition
     (c)the Lena's Fan Club (http://purl.org/net/lena/ ; lena@mb3.sppd.ne.jp)

     This is the subset of XHTML Basic 1.0 which is one of the module-based XHTML families
     and, also is compatible with ISO/IEC 15445:2000.

     This DTD is constructed by some of the modules defiend by "Modularization of XHTML",
     provided by W3C(R).

     The DTD is typically invoked by the following declaration:

     <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "+//IDN purl.org/net/lena//DTD XHTML Primary 1.1//EN"


<!-- Part 1: Definition of the Framework of this DTD -->

<!-- XHTML Version -->
<!ENTITY % XHTML.version  "+//IDN purl.org/net/lena//DTD XHTML Primary 1.1//EN">
<?doc type="doctype" role="title" { XHTML Primary 1.1 } ?>
<!ENTITY % xhtml-model.mod "">

<!-- Using namespace for extention -->
<!ENTITY % NS.prefixed "IGNORE" >
<!ENTITY % XHTML.prefix  "" >

<!-- Reserved for use with the XLink namespace -->
<!ENTITY % XLINK.xmlns "" >
<!ENTITY % XLINK.xmlns.attrib "" >

<!-- reserved for future use with document profiles -->
<!ENTITY % XHTML.profile  "" >

<!-- Architecture module, which is determined in ISO/IEC 10744:1997-->
<?IS10744 ArcBase xhtml ?>
<!ENTITY xhtml-arch.dtd
      PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Architecture 1.1//EN"
             "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-modularization/DTD/xhtml11-arch.dtd" >
<?IS10744 arch xhtml
    public-id       =  "-//W3C//NOTATION AFDR ARCBASE XHTML 1.1//EN"
    dtd-public-id   =  "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
    dtd-system-id   =  "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-modularization/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"
    doc-elem-form   =  "html"
    form-att        =  "html"
    renamer-att     =  "htnames"
    suppressor-att  =  "htsupp"
    data-ignore-att =  "htign"
    auto            =  "ArcAuto"
    options         =  "HtModReq HtModOpt"
    HtModReq        =  "Framework Text Hypertext Lists Structure"
    HtModOpt        =  "Standard"

<!-- Definition of notation, datatypes, qname, common attribules and charracter entities -->
<!ENTITY % xhtml-framework.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ENTITIES XHTML Modular Framework 1.0//EN"

<!-- Part 2: Structural model for XHTML-Primary 1.1 -->

<!-- Elements in head -->
<!ENTITY % HeadOpts.mix "( %meta.qname; | %link.qname; )*">

<!-- Miscellaneous Elements -->
<!ENTITY % Misc.class "">

<!-- Inline elements -->

<!ENTITY % InlStruct.class "%span.qname; | %br.qname;">
<!-- You shall not "span" element for only the presentations -->
<!-- You shall not "br" element for only making paragraphs or
making large vertical margins. -->

<!ENTITY % InlPhras.class
     "| %em.qname; | %strong.qname; | %dfn.qname; | %code.qname;
      | %samp.qname; | %kbd.qname; | %var.qname; | %cite.qname;
      | %abbr.qname; | %acronym.qname; | %q.qname;">
<!ENTITY % InlPres.class "">
<!ENTITY % I18n.class "">
<!ENTITY % Anchor.class "| %a.qname;">
<!ENTITY % InlSpecial.class "| %img.qname; | %object.qname;">
<!ENTITY % InlForm.class
     "| %input.qname; | %select.qname; | %textarea.qname;
      | %label.qname;">
<!ENTITY % Inline.extra "">
<!ENTITY % Inline.class 
      "%InlStruct.class; %InlPhras.class; %Anchor.class; %InlSpecial.class;
      %InlForm.class; %Inline.extra;">
<!ENTITY % InlNoAnchor.class
     "%InlStruct.class; %InlPhras.class; %InlSpecial.class;
      %InlForm.class; %Inline.extra;">
<!ENTITY % InlNoAnchor.mix
     "%InlNoAnchor.class; %Misc.class;">
<!ENTITY % Inline.mix
     "%Inline.class; %Misc.class;">

<!-- Block elements -->
<!ENTITY % Heading.class "">
<!ENTITY % List.class  "%ul.qname; | %ol.qname; | %dl.qname;">
<!ENTITY % Table.class "| %table.qname;">
<!ENTITY % Form.class  "| %form.qname;">
<!ENTITY % BlkStruct.class "%p.qname;" >
<!ENTITY % BlkPhras.class "| %pre.qname; | %blockquote.qname;">
<!ENTITY % BlkPres.class "" >
<!ENTITY % BlkSpecial.class "%Table.class; %Form.class;">
<!ENTITY % Block.extra "" >
<!ENTITY % Block.class
     "%BlkStruct.class; %BlkPhras.class; %BlkSpecial.class;
<!ENTITY % Block.mix
     "%List.class; | %Block.class; %Misc.class;">
<!ENTITY % FlowNoTable.mix
     "%List.class; | %BlkStruct.class; %BlkPhras.class; %Form.class;
      %Block.extra; | %Inline.class; %Misc.class;">
<!ENTITY % Flow.mix
     "%List.class; | %Block.class; | %Inline.class; %Misc.class;">

<!-- The ordering of headings -->

<!ENTITY % div6.content "(%Block.mix;)*">
<!ENTITY % div5.content "(%Block.mix;)* , (%h6.qname; , (%div6.content;))*">
<!ENTITY % div4.content "(%Block.mix;)* , (%h5.qname; , (%div5.content;))*">
<!ENTITY % div3.content "(%Block.mix;)* , (%h4.qname; , (%div4.content;))*">
<!ENTITY % div2.content "(%Block.mix;)* , (%h3.qname; , (%div3.content;))*">
<!ENTITY % div1.content "(%Block.mix;)* , (%h2.qname; , (%div2.content;))*">

<!ENTITY % body.content "(%h1.qname; , (%div1.content;) , (%div.qname;)?)">

<!-- Part 3: Including modules for constructing this DTD -->

<!-- Structure module-->
<!ENTITY % XHTML.version.attrib "">
<!ENTITY % xhtml-struct.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Document Structure 1.0//EN"

<!-- Text module (generic block elements and logical-style inline elements)-->
<!ENTITY % div.content "(%Block.mix; | %address.qname; )+">
<!ENTITY % address.content "( #PCDATA | %InlStruct.class; %InlPhras.class;
             %Anchor.class; %Inline.extra;)*">
<!ENTITY % pre.content "( #PCDATA | %InlStruct.class; %InlPhras.class;
             %Anchor.class; %Inline.extra; )*">
<!ENTITY % xhtml-text.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Text 1.0//EN"

<!-- Forms module --> 
<!ENTITY % BlkNoForm.mix "%List.class; | %BlkStruct.class; | %table.qname;">
<!ENTITY % input.attlist  "IGNORE" >
<!ENTITY % InputType.class
     "( text | password | checkbox | radio 
      | submit | reset | hidden )"
<!ATTLIST %input.qname;
      type         %InputType.class;        'text'
      name         CDATA                    #IMPLIED
      value        CDATA                    #IMPLIED
      checked      ( checked )              #IMPLIED
      size         CDATA                    #IMPLIED
      maxlength    %Number.datatype;        #IMPLIED
      tabindex     %Number.datatype;        #IMPLIED
      accesskey    %Character.datatype;     #IMPLIED
<!ENTITY % select.attlist  "IGNORE" >
<!ATTLIST %select.qname;
      name         CDATA                    #REQUIRED
      size         %Number.datatype;        #IMPLIED
      multiple     ( multiple )             #IMPLIED
      tabindex     %Number.datatype;        #IMPLIED
<!ENTITY % textarea.attlist  "IGNORE" >
<!ATTLIST %textarea.qname;
      name         CDATA                    #REQUIRED
      rows         %Number.datatype;        #REQUIRED
      cols         %Number.datatype;        #REQUIRED
      tabindex     %Number.datatype;        #IMPLIED
      accesskey    %Character.datatype;     #IMPLIED
<!ENTITY % xhtml-form.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Basic Forms 1.0//EN"

<!-- Hypertext module -->
<!ENTITY % xhtml-hypertext.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Hypertext 1.0//EN"

<!-- Image module -->
<!ENTITY % img.attlist  "IGNORE">
<!ATTLIST %img.qname;
      src          %URI.datatype;           #REQUIRED
      alt          %Text.datatype;          #REQUIRED
      longdesc     %URI.datatype;           #IMPLIED
<!ENTITY % xhtml-image.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Images 1.0//EN"
            "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-modularization/DTD/xhtml-image-1.mod" >

<!-- List module -->
<!ENTITY % dl.content  "(%dt.qname; , (%dd.qname;)*)+">
<!ENTITY % xhtml-list.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Lists 1.0//EN"

<!-- Link module -->
<!ENTITY % xhtml-link.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Link Element 1.0//EN"

<!-- Metainformation module -->
<!ENTITY % xhtml-meta.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Metainformation 1.0//EN"

<!-- Object module -->
<!ENTITY % object.content
     "( #PCDATA | %Flow.mix; | %param.qname; | %address.qname;)*">
<!ENTITY % object.attlist  "IGNORE">
<!ATTLIST %object.qname;
      classid      %URI.datatype;           #IMPLIED
      codebase     %URI.datatype;           #IMPLIED
      codetype     %ContentType.datatype;   #IMPLIED
      data         %URI.datatype;           #IMPLIED
      declare      ( declare )              #IMPLIED
      name         CDATA                    #IMPLIED
      standby      %Text.datatype;          #IMPLIED
      tabindex     %Number.datatype;        #IMPLIED
      type         %ContentType.datatype;   #IMPLIED
<!ENTITY % xhtml-object.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Embedded Object 1.0//EN"
            "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-modularization/DTD/xhtml-object-1.mod" >

<!-- Parameter module -->
<!ENTITY % xhtml-param.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Param Element 1.0//EN"

<!-- Table module -->
<!ENTITY % CellHAlign.attrib "">
<!ENTITY % CellVAlign.attrib "">
<!ENTITY % table.attlist  "IGNORE">
<!ATTLIST %table.qname;
      summary      %Text.datatype;          #REQUIRED
<!ENTITY % xhtml-table.mod
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Basic Tables 1.0//EN"

<!-- End of file -->